Selection & Training
Selection & Training
Planning for a Disaster: Extreme Event Disaster Game
It's great for ice-breaking, teambuilding, and learning something in the process!
RA Pre-Service Training at NHTI, Concord’s Community College
An overview of what is offered...
The “Head RA” Position
New student leadership opportunities and support for Residence Directors...Learn more!
Monday Lunch Lessons
Ongoing weekly trainings for student staff. Learn more!
Streamlining Fall Pre-Service Training: Mandatory Spring Training for New Hires
Each year, the Resident Assistant team returned approximately two weeks prior to the start of the semester to go through a rigorous training process preparing them to become the best Resident Assistants possible.
Transitioning from Informal Peer Leaders to Resident Assistants and a Full Blown Residential Life Program
Learn about things considered in this process...
Louisburg College Loves RA’s – Appreciation Galore!
Learn about a comprehensive RA appreciation program...
The Oshkosh Placement Exchange
One of the most well known and longest running placement experiences. Learn more...
Pre-Service Staff Training at Camp
Facilitating interaction that builds a strong team...
Shadowing as Part of the RA Application Process
Providing a better understanding of the RA position to interested applicants...
Student Staff Recruitment Strategies
Learn about how this works at Western Connecticut State University...
Ropes Course Training
Team and trust building...all in one event!
Motivate! The Workshop
A training workshop to keep RA/CAs motivated throughout the year...
Duty Round Challenge
An activity to enhance attentiveness during duty nights and rounds…
Developing The Golden Rule and a Hall Ethical Code
A training exercise to help staff put ethics into practice...
Noodle War
A re-energizing activity for staff during training…
Who, Not What, Is Your Future: Motivation during the RA selection process
In many ways the future does rest in the present...
How to Irritate, Annoy or Drive Away Decent Job Candidates
Important info for anyone coordinating a position selection process...
Diversifying Our Staff: Potential Resident Assistant Candidates and Stereotype Threat
Explore the idea of stereotype threat and how it may impede progress to diversify your staff...
RA Recruitment: Everyone wants to be invited to the party!
Remember the importance of outreach...
Including RAs in Professional Staff Selection
Considerations for maximizing this process and experience...
Writing Plays and Acting for an Engaging RA Training Experience
An different approach to RA training..
The “Mid Year Hire” Experience
Information for supervisors and new hires...
MOCK DUTY: An Alternative for “Behind Closed Doors”
A twist on an old training Idea...
Staff Selection – Doing it Right
Help in making sure your hiring practices are equitable and legal...
Staff In-Service Training
Guidelines for success...
Train the Trainer: A Performance Leadership Program
Overview and strategies for developing your staff as trainers...
Changing the RA Contract from Year Long to Semester Long
A strategy to contend with the handful of resident assistants who simply are not doing their jobs...
Closing out the year: The Pass-Down Dinner
The Pass-Down Dinner is an effective way to make the end of year transition with staff. At one college, they hold their annual tradition in early May with about 40 guests.
Training and Development of Professional Staff
Training and development of Professional Staff at Bridgewater State University starts in July for the upcoming academic year. Bridgewater has held an important and unique value that professional, GA, and student staff should not open the halls and start the school year exhausted. Training is thorough and fun, but allows time for staff to rest and re-energize so they are able to open the halls with optimal energy.
Utilizing Returning RAs During RA Training
Includes sample August RA Training Schedule...
Using newsletters and blogs to get RAs excited about training
Get your RAs engaged over the summer...
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