Student Conduct
Student Conduct
An Intervention Strategy for Educating Students When They Are Involved with Academic Dishonesty
RAISE is a 55 minute on-line tutorial that educates about the following topics: General Information, Unauthorized Collaboration, Technology, Plagiarism/Copyright, and Decision-Making Guidelines.
Integrating Restorative Practices into Residence Life
Review this Masters degree thesis...
Commitment Statement: Diversity and Social Justice
A sample statement from Seattle University.
Promoting Social Justice: Starting Change from Within
Learn about the work of the Social Justice & Diversity Initiatives Committee...
Incorporating Academic Intervention into Student Conduct Processes
An intentional strategy reviewed...
Educating About Civility During Disciplinary Meetings with Students
Ideas for modeling a common sense, proper, and appropriate approach to civil discourse...
Student Discipline and the New Professional
The disciplinary role is challenging...Let’s consider some steps you can take to make it easier...
Judicial Affairs in the Residence Halls: The Role of the Resident Assistant
Three things must occur for RAs to be effective members of the University Judicial process. Learn more...
Restorative Justice at Colorado State
An alternative sanction in the student conduct process.
The Judicial Meeting: Suggestions For Newer Professionals
Tips for managing disciplinary meetings...
The Judicial Experience: Positive and Educational?
Helping students develop into productive members of society and good community members makes the process worthwhile...
Restorative Justice Practices: Setting the Standards for Community Development
Learn more about setting community standards and managing student conduct issues...
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