Judicial Educator Module Abstracts
Academic Integrity
The issue and incidence of academic cheating has increased significantly over the last 40 years. Current research data indicates that 70 percent of college students admit to cheating on one or more tests, and 84% admit to having cheated at least once on written work. This module defines academic cheating and its incidence, along with moral and ethical decision-making as it relates to cheating behavior. Students taking this educational module will review an ethics checklist that they can use when making the decision to cheat or not, as well as information on strategies that can eliminate the need to cheat.
Alcohol Education 101: Choosing A Direction (for 1st time referrals)
Many students in your residence halls will choose to consume alcohol. What can you do to educate them and provide them with information that may keep them safe if they decide to consume? This module is designed to provide basic alcohol education information to students, through a review of topics related to safe consumption, characteristics of high risk drinking, positives and negatives of consumption, social norms and actual verse perceived consumption, strategies to help students determine if they have a problem, long term effects and helping a friend.
Alcohol Module 102: Choosing Options (for 2nd referrals)
This module has been designed to educate students involved in a second alcohol referral. Through a series of questions, education, and feedback, students evaluate their typical consumption and regularity of consumption, the typical BAC levels that they reach when consuming, and the types of high-risk behavior that they involve in when under the influence. After the education and feedback component of the module, students learn about abuse, dependence and addiction. The module concludes with information on things that students can do if they think that they have a problem with alcohol.
Anger Management
Although anger is a normal emotion experienced by everyone, whether anger is managed successfully or not can impact an individual’s overall success in interacting with others and forming relationships. Anger that is not managed properly can cause resentment, distance, lowered trust and fear. This module will assist students in recognizing anger as an emotion, and in managing it and responding in a productive fashion when it occurs.
Being A Good Cyber Citizen 100
The Internet consists of millions and millions of computer and other devices such as printers, phones and cameras. This largely unregulated communication vehicle holds a plethora of positive and negative information and options.
How can students be good cyber citizens?
This module provides students with basic information on the tools that they need to remain safe and legal while using the web. Covered is information on copyrights and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, to help students understand their responsibilities for copyrights. Also covered is information on cyber stalking, harassment, problems with on-line auctions, identity theft, and meeting people on-line. The module closes with ten ideas for protecting your computer, and ten ways for keeping technology from overwhelming a college student’s life.
Bystander Intervention
As students navigate their way through college, they may encounter certain social dilemmas or potentially hurtful and harmful situations that place them in the position of an observer, or bystander. This module is designed to inform, instruct, and engage participants as active leaders and bystanders in promoting positive relationships and supporting a safe and healthy campus climate for all students and staff. The following scenarios are reviewed: vandalism, fire safety, fighting drunk driving, abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.
Civility and Respect
In a society where Jerry Springer’s guests help define our ideas about acceptable behavior, civility for many may seem antiquated. Civility is not merely a matter of the etiquette of a bygone era. More than simple politeness, civility is the ability to interact with others from a foundation of respect. This module explores an overview of the concept of respect and the importance of maintaining civility, along with the potential outcomes of responding in a civil or uncivil manner. In addition, students are provided with tips for behaving in a civil and respectful fashion, along with information on the need to understand trigger points as they relate to uncivil or disrespectful behavior.
Community Living From “Me” to “We”
On college and university campuses it would be almost impossible to find a campus life or residence hall program that does not feature developing and maintaining community as an important focus of its program. To live effectively in a community, students must understand and realize the balance between individual need and the overall needs of the community. Through and in depth review, this module focuses in on assisting students in acquiring this perspective as well as an understanding of community as it relates to the residential setting. Individuals who complete this module will be given concrete information that they can use to live more effectively in a community setting.
Damage and Vandalism
Living in a residence hall comes with a lot of responsibility. It isn’t easy to live with a bunch of strangers and to share common spaces. To be a good community member, individuals have to respect the other members of the community; this includes taking care of the facility in which they live. Good community members don’t leave their trash in the hallways, rip down posters from the walls, remove furniture from common areas or break light covers and exit signs. This module will explore the costs associated with damage and vandalism as well as the negative effects of damage and vandalism on the community. This module will also address community responsibility in addressing damage and vandalism.
Dating Violence and Date Rape
Dating violence and date rape are serious problems that plague society. Statistics show that 1 out of 4 college women have had either an attempted or completed rape against them, and that younger females, particularly college aged females under the age of 24, are more likely to be victims. Although there are no sure fire guarantees to preventing dating violence and date rape, education can help reduce the incidence of these problems. This module is designed to educate about these issues and increase awareness, with the intended goal being a reduction in the likelihood of individuals being either victims or abusers.
Diversity: Understanding Myself and Others
As individuals living in the 21st century, students must be able to interact with people from different cultures who are similar to and different from them. Using metaphors and theories on community, this module will provide student with perspectives on how to learn about and interact with others who are different.
Fire Safety
Fire safety is a topic that has received much attention lately, deservedly so. Fires happen on college campuses every day, fortunately most are small, contained, and cause little damage to property or to persons. As colleges and universities strive to provide outstanding living-learning environments for our students, it is important that students also focus attention on safety needs. Students understanding of safety policies and procedures will help residence life programs create safer environments. The following program represents a good starting point for students to be sure they are learning how to live safely in a college residential environment.
Healthy Relationships
What makes a relationship healthy? How does one maintain the richness that exists in the honeymoon phase of a relationship? While there are no absolutes to these questions, we can find many commonalities found in relationships described as healthy. Alternately, we can also see similar patterns in relationships described as unhealthy. This training module will assist students in exploring these common threads, and provide students with information that will assist them with the development and maintenance of healthy relationships. This module will also help the reader understand the components that make relationships unhealthy, while giving them tools to assist them in forming and maintaining more positive relationships.
Living Responsibly in an Off-Campus Environment
Students who make the transition from on to off-campus living sometimes do not understand what it takes to live responsibly in a neighborhood. This module defines the concept of neighborhood and being a good neighbor, and provides tips for students on how to effectively transition to off-campus living. Noise and party issues are addressed in detail, along with the potential ramifications of not being a good neighbor.
With over 420 active chemicals in its make-up, marijuana is the second most complex drug that humans use. This module encourages students to “think before they toke”, by providing an in depth review of current research on the impact of marijuana smoking on the body and brain. Throughout the module, issues associated with addiction, societal impact, legalization, and pot as medicine are reviewed, as well as the potential ramifications of smoking pot in the residence halls on campus.
Peer Harassment: There’s No Excuse for Abuse
Peer harassment takes on many forms, and it can severely damage a victim’s sense of self, well being and academic success. This module examines different types of peer harassment (verbal, written, violation of property, violation of personal space and safety, and unwanted sexual interest) and how these issues occur. The module concludes with a review of the different roles that individuals assume in a harassment situation, to help students determine whether they are part of the problem, or part of the solution, when it comes to harassment issues.
Personal and Physical Cleanliness in a Residence Hall
Students have a responsibility to maintain good personal hygiene and a clean living environment that supports the community needs for health and safety. This module explores the importance of personal and physical cleanliness, pest and pest control, how to clean.
Personal Decision Making
Although many struggle with decision-making, as individuals we make a multitude of decisions every day. This module provides an overview of the 5 steps to intelligent decision-making, through the course of reflecting on the experiences of German concentration camp survivor Viktor Frankl, and the situations that students sometimes face as a part of the college experience. The module educates on the importance of taking responsibility for the simple and routine decisions that are made as a result of the normal experience of living life.
Safe Living on a College Campus
A guiding premise of this module is that students, who are involved in one aspect of unsafe living, may be involved in other unsafe behaviors as well. This module covers safety in and around the residence halls, with the goal of helping students make good choices that maximize their safety, as well as the safety of others. Through a diverse review of overall safety tips, this module is designed to assist students in forming habits that will keep them safer and more secure throughout their college experience, and beyond.
The tobacco industry spends 6.9 to 8.4 billions dollars per year marketing to the college population. Due to the damaging health risks associated not only with smoking, but also with exposure to second hand smoke, many universities are banning smoking in residence halls and other buildings. This module provides educational information on smoking statistics, college student targeting, the cost of tobacco and smoking, smokeless tobacco and second hand smoke. Information on quitting tips is also provided, through examining stages of change and short and long term strategies to help stop smoking.
Successfully Living with A Roommate
Living with a roommate can be stressful…let’s face it, many student today have never shared a room and are now living in close quarters with another individual in a space that is most likely smaller than their room at home. This module is designed to assist roommates who are currently involved in roommate conflicts, through the exploration of issues such as conflict resolution, communication styles, and win-win communication strategies. A significant emphasis of this module covers the typical things that cause roommate conflicts with examples and ideas for the development of collaborative and compromising solutions. As a close, students are provided with a plan on how to work through conflicts if/when they arise, along with information on when to get staff involved.
Understanding and Managing Conflict
This module provides students with an overview of common views of conflict, and information on defining and understanding conflict. Five basic conflict styles are reviewed in detail, and students are provided with information on how to handle any conflict situations that they may encounter.