Congratulations! You’ve worked hard to provide a developmental and positive experience for RAs and the students you’ve supervised.
As the end of the year approaches, Reslife.Net has some great ideas for finishing the year strong.
What’s more fun than praise and recognition
Plan a fun celebratory thank-you event for your staff: Set up 5 five stations of thanks, recognition, and rewards. This is a great way to get all levels of your pro staff involved.
Support your RAs and students academically
Check out a great educational brochure, and use it as a prototype to help your RAs and students. Bonus! This initiative is a great way for your housing/residence life program to align itself with the academic mission of your college/university.
Host a de-stress/diversity program for your RAs: Holiday on a Budget
Help respond to money constraints and gifts for the holidays. A great idea with a cultural twist!
Bonus! Stress Relief for Finals and over 18 holiday programming ideas
Did you know that The RA Coach subscription service provides 16 on-line training modules for RAs (Stress Relief for Finals featured this month) with built in testing and over 230 full blown program planning guides and “ready to print” advertising.
Craft Night: Holiday Gift Making and Wrapping
The RA Coach Service is a great option for training mid year hires, and supporting your RAs all year long. Check out a sample programming guide provided in this subscription service. For an overview or to signup for a free preview, click here.
Best wishes for an awesome end of the year!