Walsh University Office of Residence Life is a featured program.
Honors/International House
The Honors/International House is a part of the Walsh University First Year Residential Experience and is designed to create a living-learning environment that fosters enrichment opportunities for exceptionally talented, creative and academically committed students with a focus on cultural orientation and programming with an international perspective. The environment is uniquely designed to promote the building of cross-cultural friendships, awareness about international issues and growth in appreciation for diversity. The fusion of residence hall living and honors learning will provide a stimulating intellectual and social atmosphere specifically geared toward the needs of first-year honors and international students. Honors/International House
With the Honors Program, International Student Services, and Residence Life as sponsors, the Honors/International House members are given many unique opportunities to engage in this living-learning environment. Some of these program initiatives include:
- Becoming acclimated and making connections within the Honors program
- Navigating the Honors program: present and future
- Study sessions geared toward the first- year and second year honors curriculum
- Broadening knowledge of international issues, languages, and culture
- Gaining a global appreciation through service-learning
These initiatives are achieved though the following:
- Attendance at honors and cultural events
- Meals with faculty and staff
- Collaborative forums with Honors Faculty/International Student Services
- Participation in the Annual International Dinner
- Monthly Residence Life programming of common interest activities, including but not limited to:
- Cross cultural exchange through food, music, and contemporary issues discussions
- Awareness and advocacy
- Community service opportunities
- Cultural field trips
Pre-Nursing Living-Learning Community
The Pre-Nursing Living-Learning Community is part of the First Year Residential Experience and is designed to provide enrichment and support to first-year students who are considering nursing as a career. Special sessions with study facilitators, nursing student leaders, and university faculty will promote an increase in motivation for academic excellence and participation in scholarly, leadership, and service activities.
Programming initiatives include:
- Learning success skills and strategies
- Gaining an increased knowledge about your major and career options
- Forming study groups and sharing learning experiences
- Personalized interaction with faculty
For more information, visit www.walsh.edu/living-learning-communities