It was the first couple weeks of school and my first semester as a RA. One evening we had a fire drill go off, it being our first one my fellow RAs and I followed procedure to get everyone out of the building and to the safety location. Once everyone was safely there the RAs began talking waiting for the OK to go back inside. All of a sudden we hear people laughing and we look over at the parking lot about and there is a kid streaking. We of course start laughing until we look over at our boss (Director of Residential Life and Housing) and she tells us to go catch him. The male RAs of course were not impressed with having to chase a naked freshman. We finally caught up with him a couple minutes later when he was trying to put his clothes back on.
Did he honestly think that he wouldn’t get caught with all of the RAs
out there?
Lets just say that it was an interesting first fire drill!