Partying with Programming
Partying with Programming
Successful Wellness Programming
Information for RAs on wellness floors...or individuals interested in wellness programming.
An Earth Day Programming Event: Electricity Usage Reduction Competition
Educate your students about ways to lower energy consumption...
Programming: Tips for Making Programs Fun and Beneficial
Ten ideas...simply stated!
Seven Programming Tips for Large Events
Utilize this program planning guide!
Election Year Programming: Thinking Outside the Box to Increase Student Engagement
How do you get more students involved with the presidential election? Try these 4 steps...
Earth Day Programming Ideas
5 ideas for Earth Day programming...
The C.R.E.A.T.E. Approach to Apartment Programming: Six keys to a successful program
Consider a new approach to apartment style programming...
Creativity and Programming in the RA Position
Learn about the 5 "C"s of creativity...
Black vs. Ghetto: A Perspective on University Programming from an African American Student Attending a Predominantly White University
A staff member responds to an event that equated African American culture to the ghetto.
Successful Programming through Collaborations with Student Activities
Most student activities staff members are continuously looking for good, innovative programming ideas. Stopping by to share your ideas with the activities staff will help you both to collaborate and share is a win-win situation!
Programming for the Difficult Topics
With an idea of what you want to say and how to say it, you can turn a difficult topic into a successful activity for everyone!
Collaborating in Programming: How to Make the Experience Efficient, Enjoyable, and Worthwhile
Collaboration overall is a fun experience. With multiple parties bringing each of their abilities to the table, a decent program can easily become a good one!
Helping Your Residents Deal with Homesickness: A Programmatic Approach
The transition to college is enormous, and for many individuals change does not come easy. Learn how to help...
Diversity Programming with Pizzazz
Programming around the topic of diversity. These programs are not always easy to come up with, facilitate, and plan. Diversity programs can be both creative and educational, and as much fun as you want them to be. Learn more...
Safehouse: A Halloween Tradition
Provide an opportunity for children in your community to Trick or Treat in a safe environment. Learn about this fun community service event for residents.
Why Do RAs Program?
A programming primer...let's start with the basics!
Avoiding Repetitive Programming and Staying Away from A Programming “Rut”
Broaden you perspective on what programming is and learn how to be creative in developing new ideas. Plan something new!
Should We Pass on Passive Programming?
Passive programming is an integral part of building your hall community. What is it... It’s the little things!
What Your Story Can Tell: An Oral Tradition to Promote Pluralism in Your Community
By promoting pluralism in community development initiatives, you can help make a difference in how people understand the world around them and how they interact within it. As an RA, you have the power to harness the language in your residence hall and make a difference in your community! Learn more...
Promoting Sexual Responsibility in the Residence Halls
Fun, easy, and interesting ways to promote sexual health and responsibility in the residence halls.
Bedecking the Bathroom
Learn about a fun building wide bathroom decorating contest.
Establish Community on your floor through the Sock Wars Program
Rules and set up directions for this interactive game...
Passive Yet Progressive Programming
Ideas for all the information your residents need, but they just don’t want to hear...
You Are Not Alone in Programming: Tips for Implementing a Successful First Program
Six steps...simply described...
Keeping “Cool” With Your Summer Residents
Even though the summer can be very different than the rest of the year on our campuses, there are still plenty of programming ideas that you can share with your residents...
Saying Goodbye to your Residents at the End of the Year
10 ideas for bringing closure to your floor...
Programming Ideas for Women’s History Month
Icebreakers, bulletin boards, programming ideas...quite simply a ton of ideas!
Keeping Your Residents Around on the Weekend
Weekends are a great time to get to know residents on a one-to-one basis. A few ideas for fun things to do on the weekend...
Programming and the Development of Meaningful Communities
5 concepts that will help you understand components of a good community...
The Magnificent Mocktail Contest
Create a festive atmosphere via music, mood and mind while residents or groups compete to create the best "mocktail".
Appreciating Diversity: Holiday Programming
Non-traditional winter holiday programming ideas...
Helping Your Students Transition Home
A movie themed program idea for freshman residents that will help them examine the ways they've changed and forecast how these changes might impact their relationships with family back home.
Passive Programming
Learn about the three P's of passive programming: planning, presentation, and placement. Includes programing ideas.
Programming for Halloween is Far From Scary
Eleven fun Halloween programming ideas...
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