I had just became an RA half way through the second semester of my sophomore year when one night after coming back from a friends apartment, .as I was laying in bed I heard screams coming from what sounded like the stair well. The screams where not just someone yelling, but a male screaming, “ouch it hurts, ouch it hurts” at the top of his lungs. Well me being a lifeguard and first aid trained I sat in bed wondering “where are my gloves incase this person is bleeding, where’s my CPR mask…etc.” As I walk down the hallway and into the stairwell to address the situation I see a boy completely naked except for the pair of thongs that he had on. Now please understand that the pair of thongs where NOT guy thongs where everything would be properly covered, but they were girl thongs…so lets just say the “boys downstairs” where out in view for all to see.
As soon as I saw him I ran down my hallway to the back stair well were I figured I could get the RA on the guys floor to help me out. Well he was of no help what so ever and just stood there as the resident came waltzing through the doors, now wearing not only the thong but also a t-shirt.
I was so upset because it was 2 am and I wanted so desperately to go to bed that night. I turned to him and in such a pissed off voice told him to go to his room and get dressed! As soon as he did he came back out into the hallway to listen to me finish my pissed off speech to him about how I DID NOT want to see again what I saw at 2 am, and that he better go right to bed and NOT leave his room again that night. Of course the whole male floor of that building and half of my female floor witnessed this whole entire situation, and as I finished my talk with him a police office (who was there doing his nightly rounds) walked up the stairs into the situation! Everyone present thought that I called the cops, and it worked out for me, they didn’t really mess with me for the rest of the year!
I of course had to write up the situation, which ended up giving the whole housing department a laugh they would never forget, and he had to go talk to the judicial officer. Not much happened to him. He was so embarrassed (the officer read the report to him) that they let it go!
Unfortunately alcohol and bratty friends will get you into a lot of trouble if you let them! I will however never forget that resident!