A first year Resident Assistant, I have the luxury of living in our brand new residence hall, opened just this year. Being that it’s new, there was a lot to learn about how things worked in the hall. All year long, residents have been complaining about heating problems, hot water issues, and so on.
Among this list of complaints is key trouble. Apparently several sets of issued keys were not compatible with the locks on the outside doors. Locks were changed and keys were remade a number of times until everything functioned properly. However, a couple of my residents have unceasingly insisted that none of their keys have ever worked in the hall’s doors.
One night, while on duty, I ran into these girls using the call box outside to be let in by their friends. Offering to help, I said, “Forgot your keys, ladies?” In response, one took out her keys to prove to me that they still didn’t work. I watched in disbelief as she turned the key to the point where she felt resistance (where it would successfully unlock, of course), and stopped! “See! It doesn’t work!” she whined. Trying to keep a straight face, I gently reached over and turned the key all the way around, unlocking the door with ease. Before I could explain her error, the young lady sputtered out, “Of course it works when you’re here!” and marched into the building!
Maybe we should have had a training session on unlocking doors?