Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Residence Life Office is a featured program.
Zombie Pong was developed by Ray Steele, Dr. Kathleen Allison, and Dr. Rick Schultze for a field experience student, Mariah Easton. Mariah was a Health Science major with concentrations in both Pre-physician Assistant and Community Health. Ray Steele worked with 2 of Mariah’s professors: Dr. Kathleen Allison and Dr. Rick Schultze to develop the field experience for Mariah.
Zombie Pong is a game similar to the beer pong game student play using alcohol. Zombie Pong was designed to show student that they can have fun without alcohol. An educational component was added to the game with the idea of increasing student knowledge of alcohol education along with social norming.
The program consisted of the following activities. The room where Zombie Pong was to be held was decorated in a Zombie theme with Zombie posters featuring results from LHUP’s 2010 CORE Survey results. (Used for social norming). Food and beverages were provided for the program.
Student participants signed a waiver allowing us to take pictures during the program.
Participants completed a pre-test to evaluate their alcohol education knowledge. A ticket to win a door prize was given for completing the pre-test. Participants signed up for the Zombie Pong tournament in groups of 2.
The Zombie Pong tournament was held using a single elimination format.
During the tournament 13 alcohol education question were asked. Student received a prize for answering the questions.
The 13 student who answered the question were turned into Zombies using face makeup and were given a Zombie death certificate.
The winning team received a prize.
The door prize ticket was drawn.
In the end it was revealed to all participants that the 13 zombies represented the 13 young people that die every day in the United States due to alcohol.
Participants were asked to complete a post-test prior to leaving the program to evaluate their alcohol education knowledge.