A fellow RA and I wanted to put on a program dealing with frat parties. So we threw a frat party without alcohol. We went to the local beer distributor and asked if they had any root beer kegs. So we had a keg, and various games that are usually played with beer e.g. beer pong, flip cups etc. Plus we made Jell-O shots with out the liquor. When we made the flyers for the program we said we were having a party with beer and that’s about it. We had 75% of the hall show up and when they found out that it was root beer all of them stayed for the rest of the program. Put a dance video game on a big screen television and a popcorn machine. Fun was had by all. Really all you need is the keg or root beer, some popcorn and beer nuts, and some music. People will come down and hangout.
Submitted by Trever P. Tynon, Resident Assistant, Upstate Medical University